
print files in landscape orientation


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Font Substitution with Acrobat

Acrobat提供一个特性,把显示文档所需的字体嵌入到文件中,而不必把整个字体文件嵌入到文件中,因此能明显减小文件的大小。如果发送一个中文的pdf文档给一位使用西文操作系统的用户,这时最好使用font substitution,以保证这个文件在他的系统中能正常被现实和打印。

Font substitution in PDF will occur when the computer does not have access to the original font. If the original font is not present, an Adobe Multiple Master typeface is temporarily substituted for missing fonts— AdobeSerifMM for a serif fonts, and AdobeSansMM for sans serif fonts.

Documents submitted to technical review by the agency may contain formulas and other scientific characters. To prevent the possibility of a character being incorrectly substituted, documents must have fonts embedded.

Modern font sets often contain thousands of characters. Completely embedding a font greatly increases the file size of the resulting PDF. The solution is font subsetting. Subsetting only embeds the characters that are necessary to render the page. Visually, a document with subset fonts and completely embedded fonts looks and prints identically.