

最近在客户那里连接他们的无线网总是在电脑(windows 7 enterprise, sp1)启动后第一次无法通过DHCP获得有效IP地址。或者重新再启动一次电脑,或者手动关掉WLAN开关重新打开,才能获得一个有效的IP地址。DHCP server那边一直是正常工作的。查看本地的日志,发现有Eventid为52003的错误:
An error occurred when DHPQEC tried to renew DHCP lease in the adapter {f1edc5b3-d9dc-4147-ae27-815bf44f8356}. Error code is 0x4C7
Source: Dhcp-Nap-Enforcement-Client

管理NAP client的工具,napclcfg.msc

Troubleshooting NAP Enforcement

Troubleshooting NAP Problems

Tools for Troubleshooting NAP


检查PI patch level

In an XI/PI system, all components must be on the same major SP release version. This means that the Basis(ABAP), Java and XI components must all be on the same SP e.g. SP12.

1) To check the BASIS patch version, logon to the XI system and go to:
-> System
-> Status
-> SAP System data
-> click on magnifying glass icon
-> check the SAP_BASIS software component release and level

2) To check the Java and XI component's SP details at the links below:
a) For XI 3.0/PI 7.0, go to the URL:
b) For PI 7.1x, go to the URL:
http://:/ -> System Information -> Component Info
c) For PI 7.3x, go to the URL:
http://:/startPage -> System Information -> Component Info

3) How to read the component information:
a) Example from a PI 7.00 system:
SAP-XIAFC  7.00 SP13 (1000.
1000 - not relevant
7.00 - this is the NetWeaver release of the PI system
13   - this is the SP version of the system
22   - this is the patch level of the SAP_XIAFC component
20090722122317 - this is the date/time of the patch release, in this case 2009/07/22 12:23:17

In this example, the XIAFC component is on SP13 patch 22

b) Example from a PI 7.10 system:
1000 - not relevant
7.10 - this is the NetWeaver release of the PI system
7    - this is the SP version of the system
14   - this is the patch level of the SAP_XIESR component
20090525090100 - this is the date/time of the patch release, in this case 2009/05/25 09:01:00

In this example, the XIESR component is on SP07 patch 14 .

Eventual update here https://www.service.sap.com/sap/support/notes/1381878


SAP PI courses

TBIT40  SAP NetWeaver Process Integration

TBIT44 PI Message Mapping and BPM