
在LiveCycle Designer下调试javascript

在Firefox下用惯了用firebug去调试javascript,现在在Livecycle Designer下也希望有一个这样的工具。查了半天文档才发现在Acrobat下打开javascript debugger(Edit -> Preferences, Select Enable Interactive Console and Show Console On Errors And Messages),可以在Livecycle Designer下用control + j打开。让人费解的是如何执行interactive console下的代码,必须先选中要执行的代码,再按control+enter,才能执行。

Using the JavaScript Console from Acrobat, you can to evaluate single or multiple lines of code.
There are three ways to evaluate JavaScript code while using the interactive JavaScript Console:
To evaluate a portion of a line of code, highlight the portion in the console window and press either Enter on the numeric keypad or Ctrl+Enter on the regular keyboard.
To evaluate a single line of code, make sure the cursor is positioned in the appropriate line in the console window and press either Enter on the numeric keypad or Ctrl+Enter on the regular keyboard.
To evaluate multiple lines of code, highlight those lines in the console window and press either Enter on the numeric keypad or Ctrl+Enter on the regular keyboard.

