
在Ubuntu下安装zope 2.9.2


sudo apt-get install zope2.9


执行/usr/lib/zope2.9/bin/mkzopeinstance.py可以创建一个zope instance。启动如果使用/ets/init.d/zope2.9脚本,总会报告找不到zope instance,无法启动。不过使用$instance/bin/zopectl脚本启动没有问题,只不过默认得端口不再是8080,而是9673。不知道在Ubuntu下安装这个版本,为什么默认端口会被改掉,8080端口保留给什么程序用呢。

2 条评论:

  1. Install Zope/Plone on Ubuntu Linux

    The following assume you are the root user

    * change to root user by entering the following command and entering your password:

    # sudo bash

    * install zope2.9 using ubuntu package manager, or the following command

    # apt-get install zope2.9

    * install a zope instance (where all your web files are stored), specifying a directory (/var/lib/zope/{yourzopeinstance}, and picking a admin login/password:

    # /usr/lib/zope2.9/bin/mkzopeinstance.py

    * now you should be able to connect to your local zope instance via a web browser using the URL:


    * manually download plone.tgz (version 2.5) for linux from www.plone.org, uncompress all subdirectories in ploneand copy them (e.g. CMFPlone, ATContentTypes, etc.) to /var/lib/zope/{yourzopeinstance}/Products/
    * restart plone

    # /var/lib/zope/{yourzopeinstance}/bin/zopectl restart

    * using the admin user/password you created, login to the Zope Management Interface (ZMI):


    * and select add a new "Plone Site", give it a name {plonesite}

    * You can now access your plonesite using: http://localhost:9673/{plonesite}

  2. 看看8080端口留作什么用途了:

    jiad4701@gepc188:~$ sed -e '/^#/d' /etc/services | grep 8080
    webcache 8080/tcp # WWW caching service
