
Apache status code

Apache作为最常见的web 服务器,有时常常察看其日志文件来判断一些情况。下面是常见的一些状态代码。
If you see a lot of 304 status codes it means that users are bookmarking and revisiting your site.

If you have a most wanted response by your users, you can study the path that each user took to reach that response.

For example if your mwr is for a user to download a file, you would study the path each took before downloading and look for a pattern.

This could help you to enhance the content of the pages that were accessed and eliminate the unused.

Error Codes
The Apache server will report errors and status by a numerical code in the access log.

The most common are:

200 - OK
204 - No Response
206 - Incomplete Transaction
301 - Moved Permanently
302 - Found
303 - See Other
304 - Revisit to Cached Page
307 - Temporary Redirect
400 - Bad Request
401 - Unauthorized request
403 - Forbidden
404 - Not Found
405 - Not Allowed
408 - Request timed out
500 - Internal server error
503 - Service unavailable
504 - Gateway timed out

